Thursday, August 20, 2009

Scrapbooker's Tips for Perfect Holiday Photos

Great scrapbook pages start with great photos. The holidays present many challenges to taking those great photos - lighting, large gathers of people, lots of distractions. As we gather with family and friends to share in the joy of the season, Ron Nichols, author of Picture-Taking for Moms and Dads, and How to Take Great Pet Pictures, encourages families to make the most of the occasion by capturing some of that joy in photographs. Here are a few ways Ron suggests to turn average holiday photos into “visual treasures.”

  1. Chronicle your children’s holiday school projects on film. Thanksgiving and Christmas art projects made by the hands of our children are among the greatest gifts a parent will ever receive. Take the time to photograph your child with the project (use natural light if you can). It’s a great way to always remember that special gift.
  2. Add some holiday cheer with your pets. Pets are such an important part of our families, so why not feature them in your holiday photos, especially if they’re donned in holiday attire!
  3. While the entire family’s together, take a family portrait. It can sometimes be difficult to get the entire family together, so when you do, be sure to take the time to make a group photo. It’s likely to be a cherished keepsake.
  4. Have your camera ready. Christmas morning is an exciting time for everyone. Parents are likely to be rousted from their sleep fairly early. Be certain you have your camera loaded with fresh batteries and in a readily-accessible place, so you can capture the excitement.
  5. Get close. It’s the number one rule for better photos any time of year, and the same is true during the holidays. So whether your photographing spontaneous moments, or you’re taking the time to shoot a portrait, closer is almost always better.
  6. Give yourself the gift of making great photos all year long. Children will be grown and gone before you know it, so take the time to make beautiful pictures, whether it’s a holiday, a birthday or just a play day.

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